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The Saints Scout Group

The Saints Scout Troop offers weekly activities and regular camps, hikes, etc for young people aged 10 to 14. The programmes includes major events, such as our recent trip to Germany, when 13 Scouts spent a week camping near Hamburg and taking part in activities which included canoeing down the Alster River and tackling a “Monopoly Challenge” around the city. Much of what the Scouts do aims to develop teamwork and to provide new experiences – some are very challenging, such as the 100km hike that took place in March this year. Walking in small teams, the Scouts hiked a total of 100km in relay style over a period of around 40 hours, following a route from Cosgrove to Bedford, Cranfield, Woburn and then back to Cosgrove (where our local campsite’s situated). Other activities are more light-hearted or creative – like this project to make 100 concrete cows!
Members of The Saints Scout Troop are supported by a team of 6 leaders, who also provide help and encouragement in the series of badges and awards that are available, as well as running activities. The Scouts are split into small teams, called patrols, each of which is led by one of the older Scouts – giving them a good chance to develop their leadership skills. There are plenty of resources around that we can make use of, from dedicated campsites to a climbing complex near Aylesbury, as well as a lot of support from the Scout Association’s national team based in Gilwell Park. And once a Scout reaches 14, there’s the chance to move onto “Explorers”, which offers similar activities for the 14 to 18 age range; recent expeditions for this group have included trips to Albania and Spain.
As one of many scout groups across Milton Keynes, The Saints have Beavers, Cubs and Scouts meeting weekly within the community in Bletchley. The scouts are the older of the three sections and provide a wide variety of activities. For full details on the Scouts organisation visit the website The Scouts

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